Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine
Brief Report

Surveillance of Cyclospora cayetanensis Epidemics in USA from Long-Term National Outbreaks Reporting System-Based Monitoring: An Observational Study Using Statistical Process Control Methodologies

Mostafa Essam Ahmed Mostafa Eissa

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Cyclosporiasis epidemics are caused primarily by food contaminated essentially with Cyclospora cayetanensis protozoa from Phylum Apicomplexa. National Outbreaks Reporting System (NORS) provides comprehensive monitoring and records for outbreaks in the USA. The pattern of the microbial epidemics could be investigated using statistical process control (SPC) techniques including Pareto analysis and control charts. The incidence of this outbreak is higher in some states more than others, especially Florida and transmitted mainly through herbal food constituents as a vehicle. Process-behavior charts show disease patterns and trends with the rate of occurrence per day 14.4%. Most of illness cases tend to occur in the summer environment except for March in one-year due spiking in the number of affected individuals during a solitary outbreak episode.


Apicomplexa; Attribute chart; CDC; Cyclospora cayetanensis; IFSAC; NORS; Pareto diagram; Rare-event control chart; SPC; Sporocyst


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